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It deals with coordinating and supporting all the social and economic development departments/ programs in the diocese. The main functions of this component include provision of technical mentoring and facilitation of planning processes, monitoring and evaluation interventions. Its coordination process functions within the context of the Christian mission of evangelization that emphasizes the enhancement of the well-being of mankind in a holistic approach. Thus evangelization within the diocese is closely related to the day-to-day social, cultural, and economic environments. It is also responsible for resource mobilization within and outside the diocese by linking development departments/ programmes with their respective supporting partners.

A number of activities are being implemented under this department as the way of achieving its goals. Examples: Capacity building through seminars/workshops; promoting Participatory approaches; collaboration within and outside the diocese; developing policies and guidelines; strategic planning and project management; participation in the diocesan synod; evaluation and preparation of the new strategic plan which takes place after every five years.


Caritas is a non-profit organization under the Catholic Diocese of Rulenge-Ngara which is charged with relief /refugees and socio-economic development activities. It is among the five development departments in the Diocese. It works directly under Rulenge-Ngara Diocesan Social Welfare Directorate (RUDISOWEDI) which is governed by the Development Board chaired by the Bishop of Rulenge-Ngara Diocese.

Its existence in the diocese can be traced back to the year 1972, when the organization concentrated more on relief and emergency services. Currently, Caritas Rulenge-Ngara is carrying out more of socio-economic development activities to create more impact on the lives of the people, though humanitarian response of relief and emergence. It focuses on care for the elderly, gender issues and development. The overall goal of Caritas is to improve the living conditions of the people in need at present and future generations of humankind.


DAE focuses on sustainable agriculture; environmental conservation; the usage of natural resource and management and crossing cutting issues. On sustainable agriculture, the department creates awareness on appropriate agricultural practices which will lead to food and income security. It aims at harvesting enough food for consumption and surplus for sale by conducting a number of activities such as crop production (food and cash crops), livestock keeping and fish farming.

From the environment conservation point of view, the department creates people’s awareness on what should be done in order to conserve nature for present and future generation. The emphasis is “Never frustrate nature”. “Sustain environment for your sustainability”. Important activities in this component include but not limited to; tree planting, beekeeping and water source management.

On the other hand, the department focuses on proper use of natural resources and Management by creating an awareness among the people to help them understand the natural resources around them and how to exploit them for better livelihood.

On Cross cutting issues, the department addresses social issues like gender balance, children, women and youth challenges, HIV/AIDS, climate change, land use, global warming and poverty alleviations.

Justice and Peace

It began in 1980s as a commission in the diocese with the aim of contributing to the eradication of all forms of injustices wherever they existed within the diocese as it was already pointed out by Pope Leo XIII in his Encyclical (RERUM NOVARIUM 1891). The commission became active in 1998 when it started involving herself in various activities aiming at delivering people from dehumanizing conditions. It was in 2007 when the justice commission was transformed into Justice and Peace Department due to the expansion of her operations and the needs that emerged by then. Its activities are implemented under the following clusters such as Peace building, Legal Services and Good Governance; Environment and socio-economic services; Human Rights, Social welfare; Finance and Logistical Support services.

Justice and Peace

It began in 1980s as a commission in the diocese with the aim of contributing to the eradication of all forms of injustices wherever they existed within the diocese as it was already pointed out by Pope Leo XIII in his Encyclical (RERUM NOVARIUM 1891). The commission became active in 1998 when it started involving herself in various activities aiming at delivering people from dehumanizing conditions. It was in 2007 when the justice commission was transformed into Justice and Peace Department due to the expansion of her operations and the needs that emerged by then. Its activities are implemented under the following clusters such as Peace building, Legal Services and Good Governance; Environment and socio-economic services; Human Rights, Social welfare; Finance and Logistical Support services.


The Education Department is one among other diocesan departments that contribute to the development of the diocese. The Department aims at providing equitable access and quality education to children and population of the Rulenge-Ngara Catholic Diocese. It is comprised of educational institutions including pre-primary centers, primary schools, and secondary schools, polytechnic (secondary and vocational training center) and in the near future the diocese is planning to have a teachers’ college, and university that will provide quality education and prepare enough teachers for the diocesan schools. The idea behind is to implant a spirit of entrepreneurship in all schools in the diocese. Thus vocational skills will be taught in all schools.

Examples of schools in the diocese include St. Wolfgang Pre-Primary Center in Biharamulo; St. Thomas More Pre-Primary Center in Rukora; St. Severine English Medium school in Biharamulo; St.Alfred Secondary school in Rulenge; St.Clare Girls secondary school in Biharamulo; St.Joseph Mbuba – secondary and vocational training center in Rulenge and Katoke Seminary in Biharamulo. On top of that, St. John the Baptist Ntungamo technical college will be opening this year.


The Rulenge – Ngara Diocese Health Department is a key health service provider in the three districts of Ngara, Biharamulo and Chato. The department serves more than 1,008,669 people in the coverage area which harnesses the access to health services in the area. The provided services include both curative and preventive interventions. The department delivers the services from six health facilities which include 2 hospitals and 4 dispensaries. All these centers are characterized by inadequate facilities and amenities. The burden of health problems in the diocese area remains a challenge to all service providers including Health Department of Rulenge- Ngara Diocese. The health department is endeavoring to reduce deaths that are attributable to common and preventable illnesses as well as communicable and no-communicable diseases. On the other hand, this department struggles with constrains of limited financial resources and inadequate personnel capacity.


Rulenge-Ngara diocese has the total population of 1,280,800. Among these, the population of Catholics is 388.950.